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Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia

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Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
Berichten: 391
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Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia to be AUTHENTIC

The continuing research of Egypt’s Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism is focused on the implications of the evidence left behind for us to discover by the indigenous and the ancients of Egypt. Drawing on the expertise of hieroglyphics expert Mohamed Ibrahim and Khemit School Co-Director Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan (who has studied ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs his entire life), the Khemit School Team has worked tirelessly over recent months, deciphering the mysterious (and hotly disputed) set of around 300 early-Egyptian hieroglyphs carved into remote rock walls in bushland near Gosford NSW, on Australia’s east coast.
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Beheerder Admin
Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
Berichten: 609

De zogenaamde experts van die Khemit School verpesten het wat mij betreft weer 🙂 Ik wil er best aan dat er veel meer is wat schreeuwt om een verklaring, maar wat dit betreft heb ik eigenlijk geen idee wat je er nou van moet denken.

Hier de website van dat Khemit gedoe
Mij te wazig allemaal 🙂

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein
