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Ufo 's boven Friesland in 1974

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In de winter van 1974 raakte het Friese dorp Gorredijk in de ban van ufo ‘s. Tientallen inwoners zien mysterieuze vliegende objecten: ‘We stonden te wijzen: dit kan gewoon niet.’

Beheerder Admin
Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
Berichten: 609

Ik kan me herinneren dta ik hier ooit een stukje over heb geschreven op het oude Ufoplaza. Wellicht moet ik er weer eens in duiken.
Nostalgie 🙂

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein

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Ik kan me herinneren dta ik hier ooit een stukje over heb geschreven op het oude Ufoplaza.

Kun je dat nog weer terug vinden? Of is het verloren gegaan?

Beheerder Admin
Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
Berichten: 609

Heel misschien staat het nog ergens op een backup harddisk. Maar ben bang dat het weg is. Kan me herinneren dat ik ook nog foto's en verhalen bij had gevonden. Als dat nog ergens op internet is te vinden, dan vind ik het wel terug.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein

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Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
Berichten: 142


'Etienne', a Dutch teen, who wishes to stay anonymous, reported an abduction-like experience to the Dutch alien abduction support group SolAAS. "Last night [August 3] I was lying in bed, when i suddenly heard my sister in the room next to me yelling she saw a zig zagging ball of light outside. She shouted: "Etienne, come look, there's a UFO!" I responded it's nothing, that she should go to sleep and shouldn't keep me awake. So i fell asleep - i don't know what happened in the mean time - and suddenly awoke. I was floating some centimeters above my bed and looked at my window. I saw a strong light and heard a strange sound. My whole body was suddenly paralysed and i couldn't move anything. Everything began to spin around me. I got dizzy and called my Mom, but i couldn't speak or shout. After a few seconds the light and sound were gone and i fell back into bed and was able to move and talk again. I was then wide awake."

The witness also reported to have experienced ringing in the ears and a sudden interest in UFO phenomena. Expect more detailed abduction reports next newsflash.


During January and February 1974 hundreds of witnesses and police officers spotted UFO's above the Dutch northern province Friesland and the West Frisian Islands. The sightings took place in and round the town of Gorredijk. In several villages night watches were being hold. A proper explanation for the many UFO reports has never been given.

A 31-year old woman farmer from Gorredijk recently reported a new UFO sighting in the area and some strange recurring UFO dreams. In March 2005 she witnessed a white disc shaped object flying on its side. The silent UFO moved slanting over her house. The witness lives near the Liphusterheide (heath), where according to her UFOs landed during the above mentioned UFO wave. Lately she has strange dreams about UFO's. "I dream that they follow me wherever i am, large metal dishes," the woman reported. The witness felt forced to look outside, when the UFO approached. Probably the Oz Factor was involved.


Dutch UFO Newsflash is a free two-weekly newsletter about UFO related phenomena in The Netherlands and Belgium, edited by Toine Trust, site admin of UFOPlaza, home of the Dutch speaking UFO community. Most of these are initial reports and require further investigation. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium is allowed, as long as the source is mentioned.


Beheerder Admin
Deelgenomen: 8 jaar geleden
Berichten: 609

Dat is pas nostalgie. Onze Toine in de bocht. Waar heb je dit stukje proza vandaan gehaald eigenlijk?
Die Yahoo group bestaat nog steeds met 13 leden, maar als sinds 2005 niks meer mee gebeurd.

Ik vraag me af wat er met die hele groep is gebeurd. Die vreemde snuiters droegen Toine op handen, en Toine zelf werd steeds meer een goeroe. Was vreemd om te zien gebeuren..

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein
